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Elimination and Detoxification
Eliminations of toxins is one the key aspects of health. There are four main channels of toxins in the body:
Respiratory systems
Toxins effect the overall functionality within the body and cause illnesses.
In most ancient medicine systems clearing the body off toxicity is one of the main aspects of treatment as toxicity impacts the cells in negative ways
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A healthy circulation results in blood clearing the toxins away from inside the cells and providing many important nutrients such as Oxygen within our bodies. If circulation flows smoothly through the cells, the systems in the body will continue to function as they should. In most ancient medicines, improving the circulation within the area where healing is required is a key component to the overall treatment.
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Strengthening a weak system
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Reflux, Bloating, Constipation, Irritable bowel, Nausea and Vomiting, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s disease and Helicobacter Pylori are some of the common conditions that Padideh has helped patients with for many years.
Symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, Skin conditions, lack of concentration, anxiety and depression could be related to a poor digestive system. Padideh uses a Naturopathic approach to find out the root cause of the problem to offer a holistic and effective treatment.
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Nervous System & Stress
Stress is a very common factor in many people’s lives today effecting our health.
Physically symptoms could include heart palpitations, tingling sensations in different parts of the body, uneasy feeling in the abdominal region, feeling lightheaded, body feeling unsettled, endocrine system such as thyroid function can be in overdrive or has slowed down, increase of inflammation in the body, stiffness and pain in the muscles and joints, chest pain and tightness in the chest,irregular patterns of the breath, disturbed sleep or lack of energy. A lot of autoimmune conditions are rooted in high stress levels on the body for a long period of time.
Mental and emotional symptoms can include feeling overwhelmed, overthinking, lack of concentration, feeling of being drowned in work and unable to catch up with the paste of life, lack of contentment, feeling low and dull, unable to enjoy the present moment and daily activities.
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Immune System Conditions
This includes a wide variety of conditions:
Autoimmune Conditions:
Rhumatoid Artheritis, Hashimotos and Grave’s disease
Allergies, food sensitivities, Skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, Urinary tract infections, Respiratory conditions such as asthma, sinus issues, cold and flues and cough.
Padideh looks into enhancing other systems in the body which could have effected the immune system over a period of time such as nervous system and digestion and helps to offer treatments to enhance the immune system in order to treat the cause and eliminate symptoms.
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General and Metabolic Conditions
Conditions such as Diabetes, Hyperglycaemia, Hypoglycaemia, Thyroid dysfunction, Chronic fatigue, Headaches, Fibromyalgia, Gout, High cholesterol, liver dysfunction, Arthritis and inflammation
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Cardiovascular conditions
Heart conditions, Atrial fibrillation, Heart palpitation, Atherosclerosis, Cardiomyopathy, High or low blood pressure and Circulatory issues.
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Female and Male Reproductive Conditions
Period pain and irregular cycle, Endometriosis, Polycystic ovarian syndrome, Fibroids, Hormonal imbalance in ale and female, Prostate issues, Male and Female fertility, Menopausal issues and pre mental symptoms.
Naturopathic physicians specialize in treatment of factors which inhibit weight loss including: specific dietary counseling, promoting proper digestion, restoring compromised liver function, promoting proper thyroid metabolism, identifying nutrient deficiencies, treating food allergies, treating insulin resistance, detoxification of heavy metals, and treatment of intestinal imbalances

Weight Management
We specialise in treatment of factors which inhibit weight loss including: specific dietary counseling, promoting proper digestion, restoring compromised liver function, promoting proper thyroid metabolism, identifying nutrient deficiencies, treating food allergies, treating insulin resistance, detoxification of heavy metals, and treatment of intestinal imbalances